Whakaahuatanga poto:

  • Ingoa: Ko te raima paru mo te maroke
  • Rauemi: C1022 Kohatu Kohinga
  • Whakamutuhia: Phosphate pango
  • Momo upoko: Te upoko upoko
  • Momo miro: miro pai
  • Tiwhikete: CE
  • M3.5 / M3.9 / M4.2 /m4.8


1.Whakaahia o ringaringa ki runga-op-lech phonesphate pango scrowwall me te tuku tere.

2.Ko te wheako ko te kounga pai me te kore e taupatupatu.

3.Free tauira e waatea ana!

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    Nga kiko o te hua

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    Whakaahuatanga Hua o te Huringa Dlwawall mo te maroke

    When selecting drywall screws for your drywall project, there are a few key things to consider:Length: Choose a screw that is long enough to penetrate through the drywall and into the wall stud or framing behind it. The standard length for drywall screws is 1-1/4 inches to 2-1/2 inches, depending on the thickness of your drywall and the thickness of the wall stud or framing.Size: The most commonly used size for drywall screws is # 6 ranei # 8. These sizes provide a balance between strength and ease of installation.Type: There are two main types of drywall screws: fine thread and coarse thread. Fine-thread screws are designed for use with denser drywall materials, while coarse-thread screws are better suited for softer drywall materials. Check the packaging or consult with a professional at your local hardware store to determine which type is best for your specific needs.Coating: Some drywall screws come with a coating, such as black phosphate or yellow zinc, to enhance corrosion resistance. This is particularly important if your project involves areas that may be exposed to moisture, such as bathrooms or basements.Remember to use a power drill or screw gun for easier and faster installation. Be sure to follow the specific manufacturer's guidelines for proper placement and spacing of the screws to ensure a secure and professional finish.

    Te rahi o nga piripiri maroke mo nga kahui whakarewa

    Seawall gypsum scwit Point

    Rahi (mm)  Rahi (inihi) Rahi (mm) Rahi (inihi) Rahi (mm) Rahi (inihi) Rahi (mm) Rahi (inihi)
    3.5 * 13 # 6 * 1/2 3.5 * 65 # 6 * 2-1 / 2 4.2 * 13 # 8 * 1/2 4.2 * 100 # 8 * 4
    3.5 * 16 # 6 * 5/8 3.5 * 75 # 6 * 3 4.2 * 16 # 8 * 5/8 4.8 * 50 # 10 * 2
    3.5 * 19 # 6 * 3/4 3.9 * 20 # 7 * 3/4 4.2 * 19 # 8 * 3/4 4.8 * 65 # 10 * 2-1 / 2
    3.5 * 25 # 6 * 1 3.9 * 25 # 7 * 1 4.2 * 25 # 8 * 1 4.8 * 70 # 10 * 2-3 / 4
    3.5 * 30 # 6 * 1-1 / 8 3.9 * 30 # 7 * 1-1 / 8 4.2 * 32 # 8 * 1-1 / 4 4.8 * 75 # 10 * 3
    3.5 * 32 # 6 * 1-1 / 4 3.9 * 32 # 7 * 1-1 / 4 4.2 * 35 # 8 * 1-1 / 2 4.8 * 90 # 10 * 3-1 / 2
    3.5 * 35 # 6 * 1-3 / 8 3.9 * 35 # 7 * 1-1 / 2 4.2 * 38 # 8 * 1-5 / 8 4.8 * 100 # 10 * 4
    3.5 * 38 # 6 * 1-1 / 2 3.9 * 38 # 7 * 1-5 / 8 # 8 * 1-3 / 4 # 8 * 1-5 / 8 4.8 * 115 # 10 * 4-1 / 2
    3.5 * 41 # 6 * 1-5 / 8 3.9 * 40 # 7 * 1-3 / 4 4.2 * 51 # 8 * 2 4.8 * 120 # 10 * 4-3 / 4
    3.5 * 45 # 6 * 1-3 / 4 3.9 * 45 # 7 * 1-7 / 8 4.2 * 65 # 8 * 2-1 / 2 4.8 * 125 # 10 * 5
    3.5 * 51 # 6 * 2 3.9 * 51 # 7 * 2 4.2 * 70 # 8 * 2-3 / 4 4.8 * 127 # 10 * 5-1 / 8
    3.5 * 55 # 6 * 2-1 / 8 3.9 * 55 # 7 * 2-1 / 8 4.2 * 75 # 8 * 3 4.8 * 150 # 10 * 6
    3.5 * 57 # 6 * 2-1 / 4 3.9 * 65 # 7 * 2-1 / 2 4.2 * 90 # 8 * 3-1 / 2 4.8 * 152 # 10 * 6-1 / 8

    Whakaaturanga Hua o nga kowhatu maroke mo te rakau

    Ataata Hua o nga kowhatu maroke mo nga papa rakau


    When choosingdrywall screws for a ceiling, there are a few key factors to consider:Length: The length of the screws should be determined by the thickness of the drywall and the material it will be screwed into. I te nuinga o nga keehi, ko te 1-1 / 4 ki te 1-5 / 8 inihi nga whiu roa e tika ana mo te paerewa 1/2-inihi te maroke maroke. However, if you are attaching the drywall to a thicker material, such as ceiling joists or furring strips, you may need longer screws.Coarse Thread: Opt for drywall screws with a coarse thread. Ko nga piripiri-miro he hohonu ake me nga miro whanui e whakarato ana i te kaha ki te tuanui, me te whakarite i te whakaurunga. This helps the screw penetrate the drywall and underlying material more easily, reducing the risk of splitting or damaging the ceiling.Material and Coating: Drywall screws are typically made from steel. Consider choosing screws with a corrosion-resistant coating, such as black phosphate or drywall-specific coatings, especially if the ceiling is exposed to moisture or humidity.Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding spacing and quantity of screws for proper installation. Additionally, using a screw gun or a power drill with a proper screwdriver bit can speed up the process and make it easier to drive the screws into the ceiling.

    Nga otaota maroke mo nga papa rakau

    Maakahu maroke maroke

    1. 20 / 25kg ia putea me te kaihokoMoko me te kete kore ranei;

    2. 20 / 25KG mo ia kaata (Brown / White / Tae) me te waitohu kaihoko;


    4. Ka mahia e matou nga paakge katoa hei tono a nga kaihoko


    Ta tatou mahi

    He tohunga matou ki te whakauru i te umanga hua. I nga tau o te wheako me nga tohungatanga, kua whakatapua matou ki te tuku i nga hua kounga nui ki o tatou kaihoko.

    Ko tetahi o a maatau painga ko te waa hurihuri tere. Mena kei roto nga taonga kei roto i nga taonga, ko te waa tuku he 5-10 nga ra. Mena kaore i te taonga nga taonga, tera pea e tata ki te 20-25 nga ra, i runga i te rahinga. Ko ta maatau te whakarite tupato me te kore e taupatupatu ki te kounga o a maatau hua.

    Hei whakarato i o maatau kaihoko ki te wheako koretake, ka tukuna e matou he tauira hei huarahi hei aromatawai i te kounga o a maatau hua. Ko nga tauira he kore utu; Heoi, i tono pai matou kia kapi koe i te utu mo te utunga. Kia okioki, ki te whakatau koe ki te haere tonu me te ota, ka utua e matou te utu kaipuke.

    Mo nga utu o te utu, ka whakaaetia e matou he 30% t / T a-tau, me te toenga 70% kia utua e T / T te utu mo nga kupu kua whakaaetia. Ko ta maatau e whai waahi ki te hanga i tetahi hononga whai hua me o maatau kaihoko, a he waatea ki te whakarite i nga whakaritenga utu mo nga utu ka taea.

    Ka whakahihi ta matou ki te tuku ratonga kiritaki motuhake me te nui o nga tumanako. Kei te mohio tatou ki te hiranga o te whakawhitiwhiti korero, nga hua pono, me nga utu whakataetae.

    Mena kei te hiahia koe ki te whakauru ki a maatau me te tirotiro i o maatau waahanga hua, ka nui atu au i te koa ki te whakawhiti korero mo o hiahia. Tena koa koa ki te toro atu ki ahau i WhatsApp: +8613622187012

    Kei te hiahia koe ki te mahi tahi me tatou?

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