Sinsun qafla jista 'jipproduċi u sply:
Id-dwiefer komuni huwa qawwi u iebes, u l-lasti tagħhom għandhom dijametri akbar minn dwiefer oħra. Kemm id-dwiefer komuni kif ukoll tal-kaxxa għandu notches ħdejn ir-ras tad-dwiefer. Dawn il-lotches jippermettu li d-dwiefer iżomm aħjar. Uħud se jkollhom ħjut simili għall-kamin fil-parti ta 'fuq tar-ras tad-dwiefer għal qawwa żejda. Box nail has thinner shanks than common nai and shouldn't be used for framing construction. Meta nailing żewġ bordijiet flimkien, iż-żewġ tipi ta 'dwiefer għandhom jippenetraw kompletament biċċa injam u għandhom jippenetraw il-biċċa l-oħra b'nofs it-tul tagħha. This ensures the nail is strong enough for the job 1. Nail has the advantages of simple processing and convenient use. 2. The head plane is large and the nail is easy to pull out. 3. Fastening fast. 4. Professional production, experienced, and product quality is very good. 5. We can produce different materials and specifications according to different uses. Common nail is the most commonly used type of steel nail. The nail has a thicker and larger shank than that of the box nails. In addition, common steel nail is also shown as a wide head, a smooth shank and a diamond-shaped point. Workers like to use common nail for framing, carpentry, wood structural panel shear walls and other general indoor construction projects. These nail range from 1 to 6 inches in length and 2d to 60d in size.
2.6d Qawwa Komuni tad-dwiefer: Madwar 500 ~ 1300 MPa.
5. Użu tal-Prodott: Il-prodott huwa adattat għal injam iebes u artab, biċċiet tal-bambu, plastik ordinarju, funderija tal-ħajt, tiswija ta 'għamara, imballaġġ eċċ.
Pakkett : 1.25kg / borża qawwija: borża minsuġa jew borża tal-gunny 2.25kg / kartun tal-karta, 40 kartun / pallet 3.15kg / barmil, 48buckets / pallet 4.5kg / kaxxa, 4boxes / ctn, 50 kartun / pallet 5.7lbs / box tal-karta, 8boxes / ctn, 40cartons / pallet 6.3kg / paper box, 8boxes / ctn, 40cartons / pallet 7.1kg / paper box, 25boxes / ctn, 40cartons / pallet 8.500g / paper box, 50boxes / ctn, 40cartons / pallet 9.1kg / borża , 25bags/ctn, 40cartons/pallet 10.500g/bag, 50bags/ctn, 40cartons/pallet 11.100pcs/bag, 25bags/ctn, 48cartons/pallet 12. Other customized